The Future of Marketing Is Here. Are you ready?

Top brands are already using AI to get an edge and get attention.

Do you want to stand out in your market?

Creating unique AVATARS and video can help you do just that.

If you want to use AI, but aren't sure how to get started, look no further than my
AI Avatar Creator Course for just $49!

In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to create your own AI avatars using cutting edge technology in a simple and easy to follow format.

Not tech savvy? No problem. I teach you step by step what to do.

You got this!

The #1 Thing You Can Do Right Now To Get Started In AI

 Important: If you're a business owner, sales professional or are building an influencer brand, you have to check this out
The "Realtor" video below was made by me - 100% AI!

This course is a must for business owners, sales professionals, marketers & content creators

Business Owners

If you aren't using this technology, you're competitors will be! Market your brand and your business with a branded avatar and videos.


Create a customized branded mascot, promote new products, market specific business units and create targeted vertical graphics and videos.

Content Creators

Get more attention faster using a unique branded avatar that is uniquely you and sets you apart from everyone else in your space!

Sales Professionals

Real estate agents, insurance agents, financial professionals and network marketing pros, avatars can take your brand and business to new heights with an AI assistant.

What You'll Learn


First, we'll teach you how to use our AI avatar creator tool, which makes the process of designing and customizing your avatar a breeze.


Then, we'll dive into the art of avatar design, showing you how to create avatars that capture your brand's personality or your own unique style.


Next, I'll teach you how to animate your avatars for maximum impact. You'll also learn how to create videos to use in your marketing.

Meet Your Instructor, Ken Walls

Master Tech Marketing Coach | Tech CEO | Speaker | Advisor

Best-Selling Author | Entrepreneur | Master Connector

Since I was 11 years old, I've been obsessed with technology. I had a tiny desktop computer that I used and integrated with a cassette player to code animated images on the screen.

In 2002, I founded a digital marketing, Web development and social media company. Understanding the power of technology, it has been and remains the foundation of my business. The key is to be in front of it because if you're not, you're behind.

My other passion is connecting with and helping people. I have done more than 4000 livestreams and have had the privilege of coaching and consulting with clients and celebrities all over the world on how to livestream and use technology online to get the best results.

In 2017, I authored a best-selling book teaching people how to turn their lives and their businesses around by turning pain into profit. I have coached people on how to use technology and mindset to master their circumstances and start up or start over.

Now, more than ever before in history, we have an unbelievable opportunity to achieve success and financial freedom using the Internet. It is all, literally, right at your fingertips. All you need is a little creativity, a drive to succeed and a willingness to learn. You can do this! I can help.

Enroll in my AI Avatar Creator Course today for just $49 (introductory offer) and start creating amazing avatars that will make your brand or personal brand stand out from the competition.

But Wait, That's Not All...

PLUS+ You will also learn this:

Custom Voices

Learn how to create a specific voice and attach it to your avatar.


Learn how to add music to accompany videos with your avatar.

Right Now You Have Two Choices

Option #1

Keep doing what you're doing and get left behind.

Option #2

Take this course for just $49 and change everything for your business...starting today!

AI Avatar Marketing. A division of Client Solution Innovations.

All Rights Reserved @ 2023